About the reason for this blog: in the space of about a month, LO ended up going to the theatre four times. As to what effect that had on her, I’ll explain in the next entry.
Let me first list out the shows: Tick, Tack, Tock part of the Esplanade’s new Playtime series, then Guess How Much I Love You/My Little Storybook in the Prudential Children’s Festival, The Little Red Hen by I-Theatre and SRT The Little Company's The Emperor’s New Clothes.
It was a mixed bag. Some she loved, some she hated. Looking at all the emails in my inbox this last month, I've realised that there is a surfeit of children’s theatre coming up and there’s rarely reviews - or for that matter, previews - of these shows. They run on word of mouth, mostly. And the odd Sistic Buzz newsletter. Hence this blog. Hopefully some of what I write is useful to parents out there who have to part with hard-earned cash to buy tix. Even if the money is small change to you, it's still yours and your kids time and you could make a decision on whether that time could perhaps be spent better on the playground or in the library.