About Me

Avid arts-goer, voracious reader and mum to young bookworm who loves going to the theatre.


Entries in Outdoors (14)


S'pore River a participant at the Arts Fest

So the Arts Fest opens with a splash - French arts group Ilotopie has their last show tomorrow May 25 at 8pm. A reported 10,000 turned up on opening day.

If you miss this, the closing spectacular is at Bedok Reservoir 20 - 22 June at 8pm. Hydro Sapiens is an arts-fest commissioned work by theatre group The Lunatics from the Netherlands.


Save a Tree

Again not strictly on topic but here's an appeal to save a tree that everyone should know about.


More parks and park connectors in Master Plan 2008

Sorry if you missed your Mamasez fix while I was away. Good news awaited on the outdoors front in the new Draft Master Plan 2008. From what I can tell there are loads of plans for new parks and park connectors, outdoor and community spaces and waterfront activities. Which can only be a good thing. Click on the link to see what is planned for your neighbourhood.


Free rides for kids on Singapore Flyer - Apr 15

If you're lucky and get there before half of Singapore on official opening day, free rides and other activities await your kids.The fine print says that the offer is only valid for 2 kids (3 - 12 yrs old) for every two paying adults. At nearly 30 bucks a pop for the adult tix, it's still expensive family entertainment. But better than paying $100 for the privilege I suppose.

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