About Me

Avid arts-goer, voracious reader and mum to young bookworm who loves going to the theatre.


Entries in Theatre (25)


Hungry caterpillars and stuffy noses

Mermaid Theatre from Nova Scotia who brought Anita Jeram's children's stories brilliantly to life last year will be giving the same treatment to Eric Carle's classics The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Little Cloud and Mixed-up Chameleon. 15 - 23 Nov.

There's also another show A-tishoo! about a girl with a cold who goes on a magical journey. 30 Oct - 9 Nov.

Early bird bookings for both shows end Monday, September 15. For ages 3-6.


Octoburst! activities: 1 - 5 October

Turns out there's more to Esplanade's Octoburst than just a drawing competition - it's going to be a full-fledged lil fest with theatre, music, ballet and Bharatanatyam which is great news for kids. 

Ticketed events include The Japanese Garden, another edition of the Tick, Tock and Tack series and The Nutcracker by the SDT. Free events include a concert by the young folks at NAFA's Chinese instruments programme, Mouse and Cookie by The Players Theatre and Shakuntala by Bhaskar's Arts Academy.


Storytellers Showcase - extra show added

The performances by master storytellers from all around the world at the Singapore International Storytelling Festival are mostly sold-out but there's an extra show added on on 31 Aug at 3pm. For kids 7-12 years, at the Arts House.


Act3 Theatre for Teens: 21 - 28 Aug

More puppetry coming your way.

Act3 is back with Theatre for Teens using puppetry and improv to jolt precocious preteens and teens out of their comfort zones and have some fun while they're at it.

There's even an improv storytelling session aimed at younger kids that runs 30 Aug - 7 Sep.


The Write Stuff: 12- 30 Aug

tws.gif.jpgSRT has selected the 12  best plays from a competition they ran for primary 6 & 7 students and staged them with, one hopes, their usual high production values.

Here's a chance for your kids to see what their peers are concerning themselves with. Plus, it's a fun day out at the theatre.

For 7 year-olds and above. 


High School Musical - The Ice Tour: 5-10 August

The neighbourhood pre-teens are terribly excited about the upcoming High School musical. I just find it a bit exploitative that they allow 2 years olds and above.


Children are missing out on theatre

There's a report yesterday in The Independent, UK, about how children are not being exposed to theatre. To quote:

"An engagement with theatre sparks children's creativity and imagination; it improves their social skills, sense of teamwork and confidence – all necessary for whatever career they may want to pursue, yet skills that are not gained by sitting exams."

I feel somewhat vindicated though I know lots of mums out there feel the same way. It's the rest of them focusing only on classes, either academic or 'enrichment,' that probably need to know this, but they probably don't read The Independent or this blog. Ah well.


The Boy Who Touched the Moon: 30 - 31 August

logo_playtime.gifAct 3 Theatrics is back with their next show for the Esplanade Playtime series, featuring puppetry and shadow play for ages 2 - 4.

Thomas & Friends Live! on Stage: 3 - 7 Sep

I probably don't need to explain this to the legions of Thomas fans out there. There's an earlybird 15% discount off ticket prices if you book before 10 July. The Sistic p/w is 'train ticket'. Shhh....


Rainbow Fish: 1-14 September

rainbowfish.jpgAmerican theorists might be dissing children's classic Rainbow Fish for preaching socialism, but I Theatre has made quite a name for themselves in places as far as the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with their black light version.

Tix from Sistic. Early bird discounts till 7 August.

See what actual rainbow fish look like here.