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Avid arts-goer, voracious reader and mum to young bookworm who loves going to the theatre.

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Scotty & Lulu - 24 - 25 May

I've been intrigued by the news that the singing dancing Kiwi-Brit pair Scotty & Lulu who are apparently bonafide sensations in Hong Kong performing here.

We're listening to their Popcorn CD right now and it is....perky. Many of the songs on the CD are mostly set to a really hard driving beat and the one thing I hate is overproduced music for kids.

Our favourite CDs have always been those that emphasise voice over musical arrangement. It doesn't matter whether it's adults or kids singing as long as there is voice clarity. The few that are set to simpler arrangements almost always work better. Doesn't mean it needs to be slow and boring. The Charming Charlie song from The Little Red Hen with its banjo riff is a favourite around our house.

Well someone says their music is for The Wiggles show fans who have grown up is probably right. They're still letting in kids above 1 to their shows here though.

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