Kids turn up in droves for Janell Yeo concert

I was really surprised at the number of kids at a charity concert by young Singaporean violinist Janell Yeo, at Esplanade Concert Hall on April 1. Janell is all of 14 years old, an over-achiever even by Singapore standards, recipient of a 200K award to boot and took the stage wearing a beautiful gown.
I'd wager half the audience were children under 10 and their parents. Some of them looked as young as 5 but the Esplanade doesn't usually admit under-6s so perhaps I'm wrong. I overheard the dad in front of me ask his son, do you know this piece. Sons nods no, irritated. Such idols to aspire to at such a young age.
I remember someone telling me that muzak maestro Richard Clayderman sells out the indoor stadium every time he's here because of all the kids and their parents who go and watch. Some even say that it's because of his popularity that the number of piano students in places like China surged. Clayderman has even shared the stage with other young pianists such as Clare Yeo (another HSBC award recipient) and Benjamin Boo. Wonder if Janell will inspire more to take up the violin.
As for her talent, we'll just have to wait and see. She obviously has more music in her than the average 14 year-old, and she doesn't appear to be hothoused or Suzuki-trained, but is she a child prodigy? Only time will tell.
I asked my piano-teacher friend the ideal time to start classes and he thinks if the child is musically inclined and sings and dances spontaneously, you could start at 4, else 5. Just in case anyone was wondering.
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