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Avid arts-goer, voracious reader and mum to young bookworm who loves going to the theatre.

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Events at ACM Peranakan Museum: 5 - 8 Jun

For those of you who missed the grand opening, there still a children's workshop session available."Sarong Stories is a three-day workshop that explores Peranakan themes and collections in the galleries using folktales and nursery rhymes. The final day of the workshop culminates in a mini-presentation for family and friends of the participants." Is not cheap at $180 per child. Suitable for children aged 7 - 9 years. More details on the website.

If you'd rather keep it light and easy, just go to the next Straits Family Sundays at the Peranakan Museum on 8 June, 1 - 4pm. It's held the second Sunday of every month and includes a three-hour workshop with craft, drama, story-telling and a tour component. Different themes of the culture are explored each month. Best of all, it's complimentary with the purchase of admission ticket.

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