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Avid arts-goer, voracious reader and mum to young bookworm who loves going to the theatre.

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ToyBox rocks Amadeus

I think I've mentioned before how much we love Reuben and Mark, the duo that are ToyBox. So, though we'd been to the Mozart exhibition at the National Museum last month, we decided to book ourselves into the Museum Toddler special session  last Sunday too. And what fun we had!

The exhibition is geared to slightly older children so even though LO enjoyed the dress-up in a glittery skirt, sitting in the carriage and romping on the bed, I don't think she quite got what it was about the first time around.

Museum Toddlers changed all that. Reuben and Mark did some warm-up sing alongs and then delved into who Mozart was. I liked what they did but didn't realize till later how cleverly they explained Mozart.

Reuben first dressed up in a shiny glove and hat and did a disco number before donning a wig, ruffles and long coat to enter into his Mozart persona, replete with a mole and a faux German accent, before conducting a piece of music. We then had a guided tour through the exhibition. All very fun and terribly entertaining.

mozartatthemuseum.JPGBut wonder of wonders, LO still talks of Mozart a few days after the show and how he wore a white wig and conducted music. What more can one ask for.
Unfortunately their last Mozart session on the 29th is booked out. The good news is that ToyBox do regular themed Museum Toddler sessions every Sunday. More details here.

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