About Me

Avid arts-goer, voracious reader and mum to young bookworm who loves going to the theatre.


Entries by MamaSez (99)


Seminar on safe downloading - Apr 26

I'm doing some writing for another unrelated project for World IP Day but I think this event could be useful in teaching kids about responsible Internet usage. There's a "dedicated programme for the first 100 children (7-14 years old) where they will explore the i-Space gallery at the Singapore Science Centre with our very own "Detective IP"."

As I've learnt, around the world they're starting to target primary and middle-school kids because kids these days are on the Net so early. See Hector's World. In the UK Wallace and Gromit have been drafted to promoting innovation to 9-11 years olds.


Free rides for kids on Singapore Flyer - Apr 15

If you're lucky and get there before half of Singapore on official opening day, free rides and other activities await your kids.The fine print says that the offer is only valid for 2 kids (3 - 12 yrs old) for every two paying adults. At nearly 30 bucks a pop for the adult tix, it's still expensive family entertainment. But better than paying $100 for the privilege I suppose.


Arts bazaar, art walk and open air movies - Apr 12

Probably a bit late in the day, this one, but exciting things are happening at Wessex Estate tomorrow. Hopefully all this buzz doesn't drive up rents and drive out the very artists that they're promoting. Has happened before. Incidentally lots of fringe artists are congregating in Little India and other unconvential places due to lower rents - check out PKW, Rojak and La Libreria.


Kids turn up in droves for Janell Yeo concert

I was really surprised at the number of kids at a charity concert by young Singaporean violinist Janell Yeo, at Esplanade Concert Hall on April 1. Janell is all of 14 years old, an over-achiever even by Singapore standards, recipient of a 200K award to boot and took the stage wearing a beautiful gown.

I'd wager half the audience were children under 10 and their parents. Some of them looked as young as 5 but the Esplanade doesn't usually admit under-6s so perhaps I'm wrong. I overheard the dad in front of me ask his son, do you know this piece. Sons nods no, irritated. Such idols to aspire to at such a young age.

I remember someone telling me that muzak maestro Richard Clayderman sells out the indoor stadium every time he's here because of all the kids and their parents who go and watch. Some even say that it's because of his popularity that the number of piano students in places like China surged. Clayderman has even shared the stage with other young pianists such as Clare Yeo (another HSBC award recipient) and Benjamin Boo. Wonder if Janell will inspire more to take up the violin.

As for her talent, we'll just have to wait and see. She obviously has more music in her than the average 14 year-old, and she doesn't appear to be hothoused or Suzuki-trained, but is she a child prodigy? Only time will tell.

I asked my piano-teacher friend the ideal time to start classes and he thinks if the child is musically inclined and sings and dances spontaneously, you could start at 4, else 5. Just in case anyone was wondering.


Sexy Singapore skyline shots

Here's a site with inspiring pics of the Singapore skyline taken by a photographer who specialises in skyline photography. They're not just the standard STB-issue CBD pics and LO thought they were very 'pretty' and she especially liked the one of the Merlion Park with the Merlion spewing 'smoke'. My favourite is The Pink Ship.


Songkran - Make a Splash @ ACM, April 13

Celebrate Songkran at the ACM on April 13th. I haven't seen anything on the website that indicates any sort of mass soak-n-splash, only storytelling, dress-ups and lotus-making type craft activities. Need to find out more.

Incidentally as the summer temps climb across Asia, Thailand is not the only country that tries a mass cool-off. Myanmar has Thingyan, India has Holi, and Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos have their own versions.

In these days of resource conservation, Singapore has International Water Week.


Indoor play area mania

Today's Straits Times carried a report on eXplorerKid at Paris Ris touted to be the largest indoor play area till another comes up in Jurong East next year which is going to be even bigger. We've visited the ones at SAFRA Toa Payoh, Go-Go Bambini and newcomer Fidgets at Turf City. While they're a great idea for those rainy and too sunny days, each comes with its own problems, though Fidgets seem to have tackled some of the issuesthe others seem to have.

SAFRA Toa Payoh is for kids 4 and above and parents can't go into the structure to rescue any children stuck in the maze which happened to us. The minder- or was it drill sergeant - blows on a whistle when things get too chaotic and it seems to be used as a playground by a couple of nearby preschools. So decibel levels are pretty high.

From anecdotal evidence, a couple of mums have complained about kids falling sick after going to Go-Go Bambini. It's also a bit of a squeeze space-wise with space being squeezed out for a mum's corner and cafe and a ball pit for younger ones.

Fidgets seems to have worked out the balance of space and supervision, with a roomy cafe between the play structure and two smaller play areas for younger kids, and yes, mums can go into the play structure to rescue wayward tots. Two year olds still tend to get shoved aside by boisterous ten year-olds. SAFRA wins out fees-wise with $4 on weekdays as opposed to $15 at the other two, which explains why they are expat mum hang-outs.

But could someone do something about the noise levels in all these places? I read in a report somewhere that noise stresses out children...maybe it's as simple as getting noise-reduction material installed on the walls?

While it is rather nice to get your nails done and eat pretty cupcakes with pink frosting while kids down babycinos, I still think I'd rather slather on the sunblock and let the LO loose in a place like Bishan Park which has great outdoor and climbing equipment. Or even a shady playground under the trees. Yes, they do exist in places like Watten Estate.


Curatour @ SAM

This one is for older kids given the time - Fridays at 7:30pm. But it's free and a great way to get some insight into Chinese painters and their art.


MAAD, Apr 5- 6

A while back I'd posted about how some folks think kids should go only to kids shows. Just to mix it up again, MAAD, the market of artists and designers is back....

I missed the last market but LO's playmate and mum went and got portraits of themselves done by a bunch of illustrators at $8 a pop. Not quite Artist Square at Montmartre apparently, but at those prices....I think I paid 15/20 euros at Montmartre a couple of years back.


ToyBox and Museum Toddlers

While on museums, you might have seen the highly-entertaining duo Reuben Tupaz and Mark de Silva who are ToyBox and conduct the Museum Toddler programme.

Kindermusik has nothing on these guys.

Reuben is the main storyteller and he's a hoot to watch with his hangdog expression and enthusiasm. Mark on the guitar provides laconic musical accompaniment. He's accredited in Orff Schulwerk but I think he'd still be really good without it. Think The Odd Couple making music with all the repartee in-between. Fun, original and really hummable songs - and lots of interaction make this pair a pleasure to watch without overwhelming kids, like most kids entertainment these days seem to seek to do.

We caught them last at The Better Toy Store at Ngee Ann City last month, and they're on again on 7th April at the other outlet in Tanglin Mall, 2nd floor, 4pm. If you can't make that, they do such regular shows on and off, so get on their mailing list, quick! Or join their regular classes at The BoogieBug at various locations.

And someone please give these guys their own TV show.